

Wing Chun's Sil Lim Tao Form

By Sifu Jon Poole


The Sil Lim Tao training manual is designed to assist the practitioner in learning the full form. It is the foundation of the Wing Chun system. It contains most of the basic arm movements and stance and trains the practitioner in the following: breathing, concentration, independent movement of the limbs, mind and body coordination, balance, and the neutral stance. This manual also contains photos demonstrating the form and comprehensive illustrations of footwork as well as some additional information on Wing Chun.

(A4 soft cover, ring bound training manual containing 84 Pages of text and photographs)

Wing Chun's Dai Lim Tao Form

By Sifu Jon Poole


This training manual demonstrates the extremely rare Wing Chun form Dai Lim Tao, which is only known and taught by a few Wing Chun families in the World. Dai Lim Tao has traditionally been preserved as a “hidden” form of Wing Chun and is an advanced version of Sil Lim Tao. It teaches the practitioner conditioning and strengthening of the body, advance breathing patterns, introduces the large Huen Sao and the complex triangular and circular foot work that will later be used in the final two open hand forms. This manual also contains photos demonstrating the form and comprehensive illustrations of footwork as well as basic hand and arm movements and basic punching, stance, and footwork.

(A4 soft cover, ring bound training manual containing 108 Pages of text and photographs)

Wing Chun's Chum Kil Form

By Sifu Jon Poole


The Chum Kil training manual builds upon many of the basic principles and techniques learned in the previous open-hand forms and consists of a variety of techniques and movements designed to bridge the gap to an opponent. Chum Kil also teaches the practitioner in advancing footwork, stance, complex hand shapes, body turns, simultaneous attack and defence techniques and techniques designed to control an opponent. This is a far more dynamic form. This manual also contains photos demonstrating the form and comprehensive illustrations of footwork.

(A4 soft cover, ring bound training manual containing 128 Pages of text and photographs)

Wing Chun's Tao Bart Sao Form

By Sifu Jon Poole


Tao Bart Sao is an advanced form, and it builds upon many of the basic principles and techniques learnt in Chum Kil. It also prepares the practitioner for Bil Jee and Bart Jarm Dao.

Tao Bart Sao is broken up into eight sections, reinforcing the sideward movements performed in Chum Kil. It also introduces forwards and backwards movements which will also be seen later in Bil Jee and Bart Jarm Dao once the practitioner masters this form.

Tao Bart Sao teaches the practitioner advanced footwork which enables the practitioner to advance on or retreat from an opponent or to avoid an incoming attack or meeting it front on. Tao Bart Sao also builds on the range of movement and techniques reinforcing centre and central lines and introduces outside centreline techniques making this a very dangerous and aggressive form.

(A4 soft cover, ring bound training manual containing 135 Pages of text and photographs)

Wing Chun's Bil Jee Form

By Sifu Jon Poole


Bil Jee “Thrusting finger form” is also known as “The freeing form.” It is the final open-hand form in the Wing Chun system. Traditionally it was only taught to the most trusted students because the techniques taught at this level were so deadly that the teacher could not allow just anyone having the knowledge of these techniques.

The form itself is broken into eight sections and takes the practitioner into advanced techniques and various combat situations as well as a series of deadly finger and elbow strikes.

The form also teaches the practitioner to free themselves or create space if being trapped or smothered. The footwork follows the basic structure of the previous forms. Bil Jee also builds on the range of movement and techniques reinforcing centre and central lines and introduces outside centreline techniques.

(A4 soft cover, ring bound training manual containing 160 Pages of text and photographs)

Wing Chun's Muk Yan Jong Form

By Sifu Jon Poole


The Muk Yan Jong or “The Wooden Dummy” is the principle training aid of the Wing Chun system. The dummy provides a perfect training partner by simulating the human body, providing options in angles of attack and defence while allowing stability for the application of technique. The dummy allows the practitioner to work independently on development of strength of technique, energy flow, position of hands and feet, body position and distance from an opponent, and therefore effectiveness of overall application.

(A4 soft cover, ring bound training manual containing 217 Pages of text and photographs)

Wing Chun's Dai Muk Yan Jong Form

By Sifu Jon Poole


The Dai Muk Yan Jong or the advanced wooden dummy form is an advanced version of the practitioners original 14 set dummy form also known as their base set. The form itself gives the practitioner a more combative and practical feel compared to the more traditional style.

(A4 soft cover, ring bound training manual containing 161 Pages of text and photographs)

The Rings of Wing Chun

By Sifu Jon Poole


The Rings of Wing Chun training manual is designed to teach the practitioner how to use the ring to aid with flow of motion between hands and feet. It contains the history of the ring, an in-depth guide to using the ring, the variances of each training aid e.g., Rattan ring, Iron ring and Buddhist beads, and all drills and form.

(A4 soft cover, ring bound training manual containing 154 Pages of text and photographs)

Chi Gong

By Sifu Jon Poole


The Chi Gong training manual demonstrates three of the many versions of Chi Gong which is traditionally used in China for its health, spiritual and martial arts benefits. This method of training will help with posture, strength, power while using a calm and meditative state of mind.

(A4 soft cover, ring bound training manual containing 63 Pages of text and photographs)


Wing Chun Basics


Basics are the foundation in which the art is built upon. Without a strong understanding and demonstration of the basics, there will always be flaws in your Kung Fu. This is why we place such a great importance on practicing and perfecting the Basics.

Content contained in this DVD include:

  • Includes 44 videos to help you master the basics - including slow motion videos
  • Defensive Hand Movements
  • Offensive Hand Movements with and without footwork (Kek Fa Yut)
  • Seven Elbow strikes with and without footwork (Chut Jarn Fa)
  • Basic Punching with and without footwork
  • Two Level Punching with and without footwork
  • Numeric Punching
  • One defends Two with and without footwork (Yut Wu Yee)
  • Basic Footwork

Sil Lim Tao “Little idea form”


Sil Lim Tao meaning “Little idea form” or “Way of the small thought” is the first form that the practitioner is taught and is the foundation of the Wing Chun system. It contains most of the basic arm movements, stance, and fighting application. It also trains the practitioner in the following: breathing, concentration, independent movement of the limbs, mind and body coordination, balance, and the neutral stance.

This DVD includes the complete Sil Lim Tao form with three different camera angles front view, side view and top view and also features slow motion.

Dai Lim Tao “Big Idea form”


Dai Lim Tao “Big idea form” is an extremely rare Wing Chun form which is known and taught by only a few Wing Chun families in the World.

Dai Lim Tao has traditionally been preserved as a “hidden” form of Wing Chun. Dai Lim Tao is an advanced version of Sil Lim Tao and teaches the practitioner conditioning and strengthening of the body, advance breathing patterns, introduces the large Huen Sao and the complex triangular and circular foot work that will later be used in the final two open hand forms (Chum Kil and Bil Jee).

This DVD includes the complete Dai Lim Tao form with three different camera angles front view, side view and top view and also features slow motion.

Chum Kil “Bridge seeking form”


Chum Kil meaning “Bridge seeking form” builds upon many of the basic principles and techniques learned in the previous open-hand forms.

Chum Kil consists of a variety of techniques and movements designed to bridge the gap to an opponent, hence the name, Bridge Seeking Form.  Chum Kil also teaches the practitioner in advancing footwork, stance, complex hand shapes, body turns, simultaneous attack and defence techniques and techniques designed to control an opponent. It also places significant emphasis on techniques outside the centreline. This is a far more dynamic form.

This DVD includes the complete Chum Kil form with three different camera angles front view, side view and top view and also features slow motion.

Bil Jee “Thrusting finger form”


Bil Jee “Thrusting finger form” is also known as “The freeing form.” It is the final open-hand form in the Wing Chun system. Traditionally it was only taught to the most trusted students because the techniques taught at this level were so deadly that the teacher could not allow just anyone having the knowledge of these techniques.

The form itself is broken into eight sections and takes the practitioner into advanced techniques and various combat situations as well as a series of deadly finger and elbow strikes.

The form also teaches the practitioner to free themselves or create space if being trapped or smothered. The footwork follows the basic structure of the previous forms. Bil Jee also builds on the range of movement and techniques reinforcing centre and central lines and introduces outside centreline techniques.

Muk Yan Jong “The Wooden Dummy”


The Muk Yan Jong or “The Wooden Dummy” is the principle training aid of the Wing Chun system. The dummy provides a perfect training partner by simulating the human body, providing options in angles of attack and defence while allowing stability for the application of technique.

The dummy allows the practitioner to work independently on development of strength of technique, energy flow, position of hands and feet, body position and distance from an opponent, and therefore effectiveness of overall application.

This DVD includes the complete Wooden Dummy form with three different camera angles front view, side view and top view and also features slow motion.

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