Private Tuition


Brisbane Wing Chun Kung Fu Private Tuition


Private Wing Chun Kung Fu lessons are simply the most effective method for students to improve their knowledge and skill. This is due to the fact that private Wing Chun Kung Fu lessons have advantages over the classroom environment.


Many students flourish through one on one tuition with private Wing Chun Kung Fu lessons, as in this environment the student does not have to compete for the instructor’s attention. In the traditional classroom setting the student can often wait while the instructor addresses the needs of other kung fu practitioners.


With private Wing Chun Kung Fu lessons the student can progress as quickly or as slowly as they desire. Each private lesson is customised to suit each student’s individual needs. This helps the student to progress much more quickly than in a group environment.


Private Wing Chun Kung Fu tuition is available in Brisbane Monday to Friday 6am to 5pm by appointment 




  • All new students must first attend a class before considering Private Tuition. 
  • Students must be 16 years and above to attend Private Tuition.


Private Training on The Muk Yuk Jong (Wooden Dummy)
Sil Lum Tao and fighting application
Dai Lum Tao and fighting application
Chum Kil and fighting application
Bil Jee and fighting application
Chi Sao
Drills and application
Advanced Chi Sao
Applying Chi Sao to fighting applications
Wooden Dummy
Traditional version
Application of Techniques
Fighting applications
Butterfly swords – forms and practical applications
Dragon pole – forms and practical applications
Stick defence
Stick Disarm
Knife defence
Knife Attacks
Stick fighting
Self Defense
Women’s self defence
‘Street smarts’ protection and defense with real world applications.
* Students will be punctuational.
* Students will arrive and leave quietly.
* Students will have correct lesson fees (No   cash kept on premises).
Students will wear correct attire during training.
* All lessons must be booked in advance.
* 24 hours notice must be given for all cancellations.
Failure to cancel or “no show” incur full hourly rate fee.
Sil Lum Tao and fighting application
Dai Lum Tao and fighting application
Chum Kil and fighting application
Bil Jee and fighting application
Chi Sao
Drills and application
Advanced Chi Sao
Applying Chi Sao to fighting applications
Wooden Dummy
Traditional version
Application of Techniques
Fighting applications
Butterfly swords – forms and practical applications
Dragon pole – forms and practical applications
Stick defence
Stick Disarm
Knife defence
Knife Attacks
Stick fighting
Self Defense
Women’s self defence
‘Street smarts’ protection and defense with real world applications.
* Students will be punctuational.
* Students will arrive and leave quietly.
* Students will have correct lesson fees (No cash kept on premises).
* Students will wear correct attire during training.
* All lessons must be booked in advance.
* 24 hours notice must be given for all cancellations.
* Failure to cancel or “no show” incur full hourly rate fee.
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